Hecho con Padlet

martes, 23 de mayo de 2023

Back to our days in Poland...

We left a beautiful video of our days in Poland, which our colleagues sent us. We enjoyed very much in the Rudna Wilka school (small town of the city of Rzeszów). 

Thank you very much! We loved it.

viernes, 19 de mayo de 2023

Mr Water challenge

 Hello again!

After resting from my last adventure in Poland I'm ready to challenge you one more week.

Are you ready too?

Here there is the one for this week:

What are the phases of the water cycle? 

Through this school year we have talked about the necessity of water we have. Everyone know that the water in our planet follows a cycle. Could you tell me which are the phases of that cycle?

Do you remember?

Complete the correct options:

You can write your answer here 👇


¡Lo bueno llega a su fin!

  Terminamos el curso con los resultados del proyecto ApS que ha abarcado todo el año escolar,. De esta forma, el alumnado de todo el centro...